Educational Webinars
TAA webinars are one-hour live, interactive sessions that connect you to experts discussing a variety of topics designed especially for textbook and academic authors. Members can also access 250+ presentations on demand.
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2025 Spring Webinar Series
When: Thursday, March 20, 2-3 pm ET
Presenter: Dr. Donna Elkins, Associate Vice President for Regional Administration at Campbellsville University
A challenge that most writers face at one time or another is the blank page and how to begin their work. Though finding the steps to begin might not be easy, there are ways understanding how your brain works can help you jump that first hurtle.
In this interactive session, we will practice ways to organize your work, trick your mind out of facing the blankness of a new page, and allow yourself to make progress even if it is imperfect. This session will walk you through practice of six strategies to get your brain working for you and not against you as you start a new writing project or pick up an existing one. Learn more
Rejected. Now What?
When: Friday, April 11, 11 am-12 pm ET

Presenter: Christine Tulley, Professor of English, Founder and Director of the Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Writing, The University of Findlay
Most academics will experience rejection at some point during a scholarly writing career. It may take the form of an outright rejection, requiring the project to be submitted somewhere else, or a revise and resubmit, where substantial revisions might be necessary. In this one-hour webinar, learn a series of strategies for navigating rejection news and effective practices for approaching resubmissions of scholarly projects to increase the likelihood of success. Learn more
When: Thursday, April 24, 2-3 pm ET

Presenter: Dr. Kimine Mayuzumi, Co-founder, Being Lazy and Slowing Down
Join us for an empowering webinar designed specifically for higher-education professionals including faculty, researchers, and administrators. As another academic year draws to a close, it's time to hit the reset button and embark on a journey of reset.
In this webinar, we'll delve into practical strategies to navigate burnout, regain clarity, and recharge your professional battery. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by the demands of academia and called to make changes in the way you conduct your only life or simply seeking a fresh perspective for the summer months onwards and wanting to realign your path with your vision and goals, this webinar is your opportunity to learn how to pause, reflect, recharge and reset so that you can gain clarity, purpose, and greater ease.
We will share insights, tips, and resources to help you harness your potential by centering your wellbeing. You will learn the guiding light to the next stage of your life, effective keys to pausing, reflecting and resetting, and the four steps to tap into this reflective and renewal journey in detail. Learn more
Working Smarter With Word: Editing Tips for Academic Authors

 Presenters: Julie Peterson Combs, Professor, Educational Leadership Department, Sam Houston State University; Micki M. Caskey, Professor Emerita, Portland State University
Is cleaning up your writing a chore? The writing editing process can be compared to cleaning one's house. Having the right tools and routines can make editing more efficient and even more effective. Two seasoned authors share their tips (in Microsoft Word) for faster editing. Learn more
2025 Spring Webinar Series
2024-2025 Webinars - Watch On Demand

Presenter: Wendi Zimmer, Ph.D., researcher, writing consultant, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
We know we must see ourselves as writers to reach our publishing potential, but our mindset and limiting beliefs often get in the way. Instead, what if we could shift our mindset to show up differently as writers? What if there was a simple, easy, and transformational system that you could implement today? In this webinar, Wendi Zimmer will guide you through research-based strategies that will change how you see yourself as a writer (and any other area where you want to be more successful). These strategies are grounded in principles surrounding your mindset, identity, habits, and energy. Believing in yourself is the concept. Wendi's system is the tool.

Presenter: Christina Inge, Harvard University, and Author of Marketing Analytics: A Comprehensive Guide
Tired of feeling overwhelmed by the endless distractions pulling you away from your writing goals? This refreshing take on productivity tailored for the busy academic. Rediscover your focus and develop actionable strategies to finally finish that manuscript, whether you're working on a textbook, research paper, or academic article. Designed with college professors and researchers in mind, you'll learn proven techniques for overcoming writer’s block, managing time effectively, and staying motivated, so you can confidently bring your work across the finish line.

Presenters: Kimberly Becker, co-founder of Moxie; Kristin Terrill, Ph.D. Senior Program Specialist for Graduate Scholarly Activities, Iowa State University Graduate College
Enhance your understanding of AI's role in academia with this essential webinar on critical and rhetorical (communicative) AI literacy. Explore:
- Foundations of AI literacy: Evaluating AI systems, their biases, and societal impacts
- Rhetorical dimensions of AI: Understanding AI as a communicative tool and its persuasive capabilities
- AI's influence on academic discourse and knowledge production
- Strategies for effectively communicating about and with AI in academic contexts
- Ethical considerations for integrating AI in research and writing processes
This webinar will equip you with the tools to critically assess AI technologies, understand their communicative potential, and navigate their use in academic environments. Learn to leverage AI responsibly while maintaining the integrity of your scholarly work.

Presenter: Dr. Kimine Mayuzumi, Co-founder, Being Lazy and Slowing Down
Career and life transitions can be a major source of stress, affecting the wellbeing of many higher-ed professionals. In this one-hour webinar, Dr. Kimine Mayuzumi, co-founder of Being Lazy and Slowing Down, will share practical strategies for navigating these anxiety-laden situations with greater ease.
By the end of the session, you’ll:
- Uncover a powerful framework to center your wellbeing and illuminate your path forward.
- Discover a key tip to help you move forward with more confidence amidst uncertainty.
- Learn how to navigate anxiety during career or life transitions with ease and focus.
Through interactive exercises and an accompanying Resource Sheet, you’ll have the opportunity to reflect on your own circumstances and apply these strategies, empowering you to find grace and serenity in the midst of life’s challenges and reclaim balance in both your professional and personal journey.

Presenter: Suzy Bills, Editor, Author, Faculty Member, Brigham Young University
You’ve finally finished your manuscript, and you’re ready to send it on its way. But don’t hit Send or Publish just yet. If you complete some self-editing first, your readers will be better able to focus on your brilliant ideas, not on any grammar, punctuation, and clarity issues in your writing. This one-hour webinar will explain common writing issues and how to fix them. Learn more

Presenter: Janet Salmons, PhD, free-range scholar, qualitative methodologist, creative
You want to contribute to your field, but your work is scattered across multiple publications (and buried on your hard drive.) In this webinar Janet Salmons will show steps in the process she is undertaking as a fellow of the Center for Advanced Internet Studies to curate a largebody of work and transform it into a multimedia e-book. She’ll suggest other curatorial approaches such as citation analysis or autoethnographic reflection on your academic writing journey.
In this webinar you will learn how to organize your work, invite feedback, and create new publications. Develop a plan to make your body of work an important foundation that others can build upon!

Presenter: Christine Tulley, Professor of English, Founder and Director of the Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Writing, The University of Findlay
 Many scholarly writing projects require engagement and citation of previous literature to situate an argument or purpose. Yet new and experienced academic writers struggle to determine 1) which sources are best suited for the project, 2) how much citation is needed, and 3) how to take notes on sources and move notes on sources into a writing project.
In this webinar you will learn how to systematically cite, analyze, interpret and comment on judiciously selected past scholarly literature to situate your writing project.

Presenter: Angelica Ribeiro, Ph.D., writer, researcher, professor
If you are like most people, you tend to think that happiness comes after work or after you complete your writing projects. But if you wait until you finish work to be happy, you will spend one-third of your life feeling unhappy.
Being happy at work, including in your writing sessions, makes you more productive, more creative, more optimistic, and better problem solvers, as well as better prepared to face challenges and manage stress.

Presenter: Rohit Nath, Partner, Susman Godfrey L.L.P.
Over the last several years, there have been a number of major lawsuits addressing the intersection of technological change and the rights of authors and creators. These include the recent surge in cases against AI platforms related to the use of copyrighted works to train generative AI models, as well as class actions brought by textbook authors against major publishers. Attorney Rohit Nath, partner at Susman Godfrey, shares the state of play of these cases, among others, and how they will shape authors’ rights going forward.

Presenters: Marie Jacobsen Lauvås, Co-founder and CEO, and Matthew Smalley, Co-founder and CPO, Capeesh
AI tools are impacting many areas of higher education and textbook authors are curious to learn how these tools can enhance the learning experience of books. Matthew Smalley, Co-founder and CPO at Capeesh, and Marie Jacobsen Lauvås, Co-founder and CEO of Capeesh, share how novel authoring and publishing platforms allow authors to reap the benefits of the most advanced AI models while giving the author full control of the authoring and publishing process, and how these platforms are connected to an end-user interface that allows for the creation of rich, digital and game-based learning experiences in higher education and language learning, that learners love.

Presenter: Caitlin O’Brien, Director of Permissions, XanEdu Publishing
AI is impacting many areas of higher education, and textbook and academic authors want to know more. Caitlin O’Brien, Director of Permissions for XanEdu Publishing, shares the basics of AI as it relates specifically to textbook and academic authors. O’Brien, an expert in this ever-changing field, provides an overview of AI, its capabilities and limitations, and what authors need to know to use these tools safely and ethically.
Presenter: Margy Thomas, PhD, ScholarShape
Do you ever find yourself writing in circles, struggling with decision fatigue or a lack of purpose in your scholarly writing? Do you wish you had a structure for your writing process that felt expansive and flexible enough to account for the complexities of scholarship creation?
In this one-hour webinar, Margy Thomas, PhD, of ScholarShape walks you through the simple yet powerful QuEST framework as a way of structuring your writing projects in any genre. Through this framework, you’ll begin to see your own creative process as a Story-Argument, an experience of meaning-making amidst uncertainty, so that you can create powerful Story-Arguments for your readers. Get a personalized QuEST map that can guide you through your Story-Argument process with a sense of purpose and help you recognize all the intangible and incremental progress you make along the way.
2023 Webinars - Watch On Demand

Presenters: Tasha Egalite, Ph.D., New Mexico State University; Kristin Kew, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Administration, New Mexico State University
In this presentation, two women scholars will share and reflect on their own doctoral journeys, the critical issues they encountered, and the hoops they jumped through while completing their dissertations. Some of the themes discovered during their research on the dissertation process and obtaining a doctorate were sustaining momentum, maintaining purpose, and creating meaningful works while furthering their learning in the fields of education and educational leadership. Learn how to determine whether to apply for a doctoral program and how to navigate some of the pitfalls and rabbit holes of the academic arena.

Presenter: Erica Irlbeck, author of The Crisis Communications Guide for Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Are you contemplating writing a textbook? It can be a daunting process but there are many success stories and opportunities to learn from colleagues who have recently published their content. Erica Irlbeck, Ed.D, Professor of Agricultural Education and Communications at Texas Tech and author of The Crisis Communication Guide for Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, share her journey in this engaging and interactive webinar. She is a passionate advocate for anyone contemplating writing their own content and will share what she learned through her own authoring journey. Joyce Mueller with XanEdu Publishing, a TAA Platinum Sponsor, also shares how you can author with XanEdu!
Presenter: William (Bill) Sims Curry, textbook author and Founder of WSC Consulting

Leveraging a textbook or academic book can be a powerful tool in launching a consulting career. Presenter William Curry, author of three public procurement textbooks, including Contracting for Services in State and Local Government Agencies: Best Practices for Public Procurement (winner of a 2017 Textbook Excellence Award), and founder of a consulting firm that specializes in consulting for state, local, and education entities that wish to implement best practices for public procurement, shares how you can use a textbook or academic book to position yourself as an expert in your field and attract potential clients.
You will learn how to:
- Establish a consultancy firm and land your first contract.
- Use your textbook or academic book as a marketing tool to help differentiate you from other consultants while showcasing your expertise to a wider audience.
- Promote your consulting firm and sell your books through a dual-purpose website.
- Join or expand your presence on LinkedIn to increase the number of potential clients and promote your book(s) and consultancy.
Presenters: Bec Evans and Chris Smith, founders of Prolifiko and co-authors of Written: How to Keep Writing and Build a Habit that Lasts

You’ve got the ideas. You’ve found the right collaborators. You have the best tools at hand. So why aren’t you writing? Or at least – writing as much as you think you should? Writing involves two elements: technique and practice. To write, you need to understand how to structure a paper, compile a dataset and organise your references. Whatever your field, there will be certain technical and structural things that you need to know. All crucial knowledge. But sometimes you still sit in front of your computer and struggle to complete the task at hand. You need more than to know how. Knowing how is important, but that alone won’t get the writing done. You’ll also need to find a practice that means you turn up and keep going.
Using practices developed from neuroscience and behavioural science research, this webinar covers:
- What stops you writing: procrastination, perfectionism, distraction and building a plan to overcome them
- What keeps you going: finding time, creating a habit, building support and finding accountability
Presenter: Dr. Tracey S. Hodges, Owner and Chief Creative Officer, The Empowering Advocate LLC

UPS, Fedex, the post office, and even Amazon are exceptional at deliverables. Have you ever imagined you could be just as effective with your goals and projects? Are you tackling several projects and finding yourself getting lost among the tasks? Learn how to create clear deliverables for your project as well as systems to help you make progress on multiple projects at the same time. Like the delivery systems we know so well, thorny issues are bound to come up, and we will tackle some options for managing overwhelm, too. Gain a sense of purpose and attainable goals!
Presenter: Robert M. Pesce, Partner, Marcum LLP

While it is understandable that most writers would prefer to concentrate their time on their writing, writing is a business and you need to make sure you’re taking care of all of the tax deductions that you should be. Robert M. Pesce, a partner with Marcum LLP, shares the basic tax information you should know as an author, including:
- What type of entity should you be?
- Are you keeping good records on your business deductions?
- Income from Royalties and other sources
- Qualified Business Income Deduction
- Tax deductions
- Home Office Deduction
- Self Employment Tax (“SE Tax”)
- Pension Plans, SEPs, IRAs
- Foreign Tax Credit

Presenter: John Bond, Publishing Consultant, Riverwinds Consulting, author of The Little Guide to Getting Your Journal Article Published: Simple Steps to Success

Getting your research and academic work published in a peer review journal is essential to your career. The process seems difficult and mysterious, but it doesn't need to be that way.
Publishing Consultant John Bond presents practical steps for any aspiring writer and researcher to follow to go from idea and raw data to submitting a top quality manuscript for possible publication. Topics include: "Developing a plan and Timeline," "Determining a Target List of Potential Journals," "Writing and Editing Your Work," and "Understanding Journal Review the Decision Process." You'll also learn the 13 most Frequently Asked Questions.

Presenters: Eirik Wahlstrøm, Co-founder and CMO, Ludenso; Rob Heathcote, PG Online Publishers; and Biology Teacher Sarah Dudley

Augmented reality (AR) in education provides a number of ways to help students learn by making abstract concepts easier to understand and remember. Today, an increasing number of publishing houses are starting to bring their books to life with AR - but how do you as an author utilize the full potential of this immersive learning experience in a simple, pedagogically valuable, and affordable way?
Eirik Wahlstrøm from Ludenso, Rob Heathcote from PG Online Publishers, and Biology Teacher Sarah Dudley discuss the potential role of AR in the authoring process of science, anatomy, history, and language learning titles. Learn best practices for creating AR books, practical advice, and tools, as well as share feedback from students using AR to learn.