When: Thursday, March 20, 2024, 2-3 p.m. ET

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Presenter: Dr. Donna Elkins, Associate Vice President for Regional Administration at Campbellsville University
A challenge that most writers face at one time or another is the blank page and how to begin their work. Though finding the steps to begin might not be easy, there are ways understanding how your brain works can help you jump that first hurtle.
In this interactive session, we will practice ways to organize your work, trick your mind out of facing the blankness of a new page, and allow yourself to make progress even if it is imperfect. This session will walk you through practice of six strategies to get your brain working for you and not against you as you start a new writing project or pick up an existing one.
Donna Elkins serves as Associate Vice President for Regional Administration at Campbellsville University. Dr. Elkins joined Campbellsville University in July 2023. She is responsible for connection and oversight at all regional locations of CU. She also directs the CU Technology Training Center, which houses nondegree workforce certificate programs in Cosmetology, Barbering, Esthetics, Allied Health, Welding and HVAC. Dr. Elkins holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Kentucky, a Master of Arts in Political Science from the University of Louisville, a Master of Arts in Mass Communication from Morehead State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Government from Morehead State University. She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies: Theology at Kentucky Christian University. Prior to joining CU, she was Dean of Online Education and a Professor of Communication at Spalding University as well as Dean of Academic Affairs, Division Chair of Humanities, and Professor of Communication at Jefferson Community and Technical College. Dr. Elkins has many academic publications and presentations, including those with the Christian Communication Studies Network where she has written and published multiple pieces about integrating faith and communication practice. She has published book chapters on leadership, virtual training, onboarding new employees, cancer recovery and support in the workplace, and most recently women in entrepreneurial ventures post-pandemic. Her publications also include journal articles and conference presentations about teaching and communication research methods.