Textbook Publishers' Author Guidelines
Click on the publisher's name below to view their Author Guidelines.
Cambridge University Press Publishes academic research, professional development, research journals, school-level education, English language teaching and Bibles.
Cognella Publishes classroom-tested titles for the national market that recapture the teachable moment and create a more resonant learning experience.
Delmar Cengage Learning Publishes career, technical, and vocational textbooks, serving disciplines like Automotive and Trucking, Health & Nursing, Trade, and Paralegal.
Elsevier Publishes textbooks and journal articles in the medical field including science, health and technology.
FiT Publishing An international publisher of textbooks and scholarly research journals in the sport sciences, operating under the division of the International Center for Performance Excellence (ICPE) in the College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at West Virginia University.
FlatWorld Publishes high-quality, affordable online and printed textbooks in the fields of Business & Economics, Humanities & Social Sciences, Mathematics, and the Natural Sciences.
Goodheart-Willcox Publisher Publishes both print and digital textbooks and produces online courses and other instructional resources that provide a complete classroom solution in career and technical education fields.
Guilford Press Publishes books, periodicals, software, and DVDs in mental health, education, geography, and the social and behavioral sciences.
Hackett Publishing Company Publishes textbooks in the following fields: Classics, Creative Arts Reference, Dance/Choreography, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Philosophy, Political Science. Portuguese, Russian, Science, Shakespeare, Spanish, and Theatre & Film.
Human Kinetics Publishes textbooks and journals in the following fields: Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Jones & Bartlett Learning Publishes textbooks and materials within the fields of medicine, emergency services, and computer information systems.
McFarland An independent publisher of academic and nonfiction books.
McGraw-Hill Education Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Publishes textbooks in the fields of Business, Economics & Computer Information Technology; Career Education; Education; Engineering/Computer Science; Humanities, Social Sciences, and World Languages; Science and Mathematics.
Oxford University Press Oxford University Press (OUP) is the world's largest university press with the widest global presence. Its Global Academic Publishing program spans the entire academic and higher education spectrum, including a wide array of scholarly and general interest books, journals, and online products.
Pearson Higher Education Prentice Hall Publishes textbooks in the fields of Humanities & Social Sciences, Math & Science, and Professional & Career.
Rowman & Littlefield An independent publisher that publishes in both print and e-book. Their specialty is in academic publishing in the humanities & social sciences, educational publishing and publishing government and official data.
Sage Publishing Publishes textbooks in the fields of Social Sciences & Humanities, Engineering & Physical Sciences, and Health, Life & Biomedical Sciences.
SLACK Books Publishes books and materials in the Health, Medicine & Nursing Fields.
Springer Publishing Company Publishes textbooks and journal articles in the following fields: nursing, psychology, social work, counseling, gerontology, public health, healthcare administration and rehabilitation.
Stylus Publishing, Inc. Focuses on higher education, covering such areas as teaching and learning, student affairs, professional development, service learning and community engagement, study abroad, assessment, online learning, racial diversity on campus, women’s issues, doctoral education, adult education, and leadership and administration.
Taylor & Francis Group Publishes journal articles, books, e-books, textbooks and reference works. They publish in all areas of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Science, Technology and Medicine Sectors.
Waveland Press, Inc. Publisher of college level textbooks and supplements.
Wiley Global Education John Wiley & Sons, Inc. College Division Publishes textbooks and other educational materials in the fields of sciences, social sciences, engineering, mathematics, and accounting, with growing positions in business, education, and modern languages.