Blunders, Bad Ideas, and Bliss: My Experience Writing a Textbook


Presenter: Erica Irlbeck, author of The Crisis Communications Guide for Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

The Crisis Communication Guide for Agriculture, Food, and Natural ResourcesErica ErlbeckAre you contemplating writing a textbook? It can be a daunting process but there are many success stories and opportunities to learn from colleagues who have recently published their content.

Erica Irlbeck, Ed.D, Professor of Agricultural Education and Communications at Texas Tech and author of A Crisis Communication Guide for Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, shares her journey in this engaging and interactive webinar. She is a passionate advocate for anyone contemplating writing their own content and shares what she learned through her own authoring journey, including:

  • Idea generation
  • The writing process
  • Organization
  • Finding a publisher
  • What she learned

Erica Irlbeck is an award-winning teacher and researcher, specializing in agricultural communications at Texas Tech University. Irlbeck’s passion for the industry started on her family’s farm in Oklahoma, where she was involved in 4-H and FFA. She began her career in broadcast journalism and public relations before becoming a researcher and teacher. Irlbeck teaches courses in risk and crisis communications, video production, and campaign development. She recently authored and published her book, The Crisis Communications Guide for Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. She received her doctorate in agricultural education and master’s in agricultural communications from Texas Tech. Her bachelor's degree in agricultural communications is from Oklahoma State.