Thank you for supporting Textbook & Academic Authoring

Your gift to TAA ensures that the association can continue to offer quality educational resources to textbook and academic authors.

Michael Sullivan
"I have been involved with TAA for about 35 years and have watched the organization evolve from a membership of 30 to over 3,000. The importance of TAA to the textbook and academic publishing community is notable. But as a nonprofit, TAA must rely on its membership for support beyond dues if it is to continue its role as the only organization dedicated to textbook and academic authors. I hope my gift to TAA will inspire others to help TAA continue its work on behalf of authors."

- Michael Sullivan, whose $100,000 donation is being used to create an annual lecture at the TAA annual conference and match donations 1:1 until we've reached $50,000 in gifts. 

Learn more about Michael Sullivan's donation to TAA.

Your contributions make a direct impact on TAA’s operations, provide high quality resources to members, and support members in need. All charitable contributions are 100% tax deductible.  

************************************** DONOR WALL ******************************************

Presidents Circle Seal
President's Circle

Gifts of $10,000 and above

Michael Sullivan Ron Pynn
Richard and Elaine Hull Kenneth Saladin
Ron Larson Michael Spinella
Pat McKeague Karen Timberlake

1987 Society Seal
1987 Society (Legacy Gifts)

Benoit Fund Helmut and Susanna Epp
Karen Morris

Author Advocates
Author Advocates

Gifts of $1,000 to $9,999

Steven Barkan Fred Kleiner
Robert Christopherson Karen Morris
Laura Frost Kevin Patton
Russ Hibbeler Phil Wankat
Mike Kennamer

Friends of TAA

Friends of TAA

Gifts of up to $999

Howard Anton Rachel Criado Gertrude Fraser Dana Loewy Jamie Pope Glenn Ellen Stilling
Mary Beth Averill Kimberly Currens Deborah Fuchs Megan McIntosh Margaret Reece Gerald Stone
Rachel Basco William Curry Dena Gilby Erin McTigue Susan Ricci Michael Sullivan III
Donna Battista Kristin Cvancara Cynthia Glenn Kim Mogilevsky Susan Robison Mary Kay Switzer
Marvin Bittinger Lydia Daniels Mary Ellen Duffey Judi Nath Gary Rockswold Robert Tallitsch
Linda  Butler Neil Dworkin Wilma Herndon Ann Falkenberg Olson Zick Rubin Dione Taylor
William Callister, Jr. Bruce Edwards Gretchen Hoffman Nathan Ozobia Juli Saitz Michael Timmons
Frank Carrano Paulina Faba Andrea Honigsfeld Nilsa Perez-Cabrera Joan Saslow Brenda Ulrich
Julie Combs John Cavanaugh Susan Fawcett Robert Pesce Pamela Sharpe Meagan Vaughn
Charles Corbin Susan Ford James Kalat June Jamrich Parsons Deandria Reed Shaw Holly Weimar
Martha Coussement Marilyn Fordney Paul Krieger Ruth Pflueger Dee Silverthorn Wayne Weiten
Nicolai Wenzel Kayce Solari Williams Jay Withgott Everette Dennis Daphne Watkins Jacobs Rafael Olivio

TAA Conference Travel Grant Donors

Your gift enables members who cannot afford to attend to gain valuable education and make meaningful connections.

Robert Christopherson Bruce Edwards Estelle Finley Susan Ford Paul Krieger Kevin Patton Terry Thompson
Thomas Heinzen Russ Hibbeler Robert Lucas Nilsa Perez-Cabrera Jamie Pope Ruth Werner

TAA WebinarsTAA Webinar Program Donors

Your gift allows us to bring in paid presenters on topics of value to TAA members, including industry topics like AI, piracy, DEI, and more.

Dana Loewy Margaret Reece Joan Saslow

Unrestricted Gifts Donors

Your gift maximizes our ability to respond to the ever-changing needs of the association. 

William Callister, Jr. Julie Combs Kim Currens Helmut and Susanna Epp Russ Hibbeler Ron Larson Pat McKeague
Jamie Pope Kenneth Saladin Glenn Ellen Stilling Michael Timmons Brenda Ulrich Phillip Wankat

Bequest Donors

Arthur Frank Benoit Fund
Karen Morris

Your future gift will ensure that textbook and academic authors will receive support well into the future.

2022 Donors | 2021 Donors | 2020 Donors

Ready to Make a Gift?

        TAA Conference Travel Grant ProgramTAA Webinar ProgramUnrestricted GiftPlanned Giving

You can also mail your gift to TAA, PO Box 337, Cochrane, WI 54622.

We are deeply grateful for your ongoing support of TAA.

Questions? Contact Kim Pawlak, Executive Director, at (507) 459-1363 or [email protected]

2022 Donors 

$10,000 and above

Ken Saladin


Steven Barkan
Ron Larson
Mike Kennamer
Pat McKeague

Up to $999

Rachel Basco
Marvin Bittinger
William Callister, Jr.
William Curry
Bruce Edwards
Susanna and Helmut Epp
Paulina Faba
Laura Frost
Fred Kleiner
Paul Krieger
Dana Loewy
Jamie Pope
Margaret Reece
Gary Rockswold
Joan Saslow
Michael Sullivan III
Dione Taylor
Phil Wankat
Wayne Weiten
Nicolai Wenzel
Ruth Werner 

2021 Donors 


Robert Christopherson
Kevin Patton
Ron Pynn
Kenneth Saladin
Phil Wankat
Bill & Karen Timberlake


Steven Barkan
Mike Kennamer
Fred Kleiner
Pat McKeague
Karen Morris

Up to $999

Howard Anton
Mary Beth Averill
Nona Battista
Linda Butler
Frank Carrano
Julie Combs
Charles Corbin
William Curry
Lydia Daniels
Neil Dworkin
Bruce Edwards
Marilyn Fordney
Laura Frost
Ray Garrison
Dave Harris
James Kalat
Paul Krieger
Judi Nath
June Jamrich Parsons
Moshe Rachmuth
Susan Robison
Juli Saitz
Dee Silverthorn
Gerald Stone
Mary Kay Switzer
Jay Withgott

2020 Donors

$10,000 and above

Richard and Elanie Hull
Pat McKeague
Karen & Bill Timberlake


Steven Barkan
Robert Christopherson
Russ Hibbeler
Kevin Patton
Ron Pynn
Kenneth Saladin

Up to $999

William Callister, Jr.
Kristin Cvancara
Dena Gilby
Mary Ellen Duffey
Susan Fawcett
Gertrude Fraser
Laura Frost
Cynthia Glenn
Gretchen Hoffman
Andrea Honigsfeld
Fred Kleiner
Dana Loewy
Ann Falkenberg Olson
Meggin McIntosh
Karen Morris
Jaime Pope
Michael Sullivan
Nathan Ozobia
Margaret Reece
Deandria Reed-Shaw
Susan Ricci
Gary Rockswold
Zick Rubin
Juli Saitz
Pamela Sharpe
Robert Tallitsch
Michael Timmons
Meagan Vaughn
Phil Wankat
Wayne Weiten
Nicolai Wenzel
Jay Withgott