2024 TAA Conference Travel Grant Program

As part of our commitment to removing barriers to attendance, TAA will be awarding five grants to cover conference registration and some travel costs for members in need to attend the 2026 TAA Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring (location to be determined). The goal of the travel grant is to provide all members with the chance to gain valuable education while making meaningful connections at our conference.

Apply for a TAA Conference Travel Grant

Applications for the 2026 TAA Conference will open September 1, 2025.

Grant Guidelines

  1. Grants are available to any TAA member who:
    a. has maintained an active membership for a minimum of two consecutive years;
    b. and *whose membership is active from time of application through the conference. 
  2. Grant includes two-day general member conference registration and two nights’ lodging at conference hotel (Room will be reserved by TAA).
  3. If approved, you will need to register for the conference by February 15, 2025 (a coupon code will be provided to bypass payment).
  4. Priority will be given to members who: 
    a. Have not attended a TAA Conference before.
    b. Don’t qualify for funding from other sources. We encourage all applicants to seek multiple sources of potential funding. Please describe any sources of funding that you have sought out to cover expenses related to the TAA conference. You can also use this Template Letter to request support from your employer. Download and edit it based on your institution and needs.
    c. Are willing to serve as a volunteer onsite during the conference. 
  5. Members can only apply for one grant every two years.
  6. Recipients will not be publicized.

*We will confirm membership status before grants are awarded.

Questions? Contact Kim Pawlak at [email protected] or (507) 459-1363. 

Apply for a TAA Conference Travel Grant