TAA Writing Gym: Heavy Lifters Writing Classes10 New Classes on Scheduled ReleaseStructure Your Writing: Develop a Project Management Work Plan | Effectively Managing Multiple Projects: Tending your Garden of Ideas | Get in the Zone: Organization, Clarity, and Flow | Body Building: Structuring Your Article Sections | Methods to the Madness: Creating and Writing Pedagogy | Getting Unstuck: How to Restart When Your Writing Stalls | Performance Boost: Power Up Your Writing Productivity | Maximize Your Results: Getting Your Journal Article Accepted | Trim and Tone: Strategies for Revising and Editing | Marketing Muscle: Building an Author Brand 6 Classes, Immediate AccessEye on the Prize: Create Goals That Move Your Forward | Be a Team Player: Write For Your Audience | Proper Technique: Organize, Document, and Present Your Research | Lose the Academese: Be Smart Without Trying to Sound Smart | Hone Your Skills: Proof and Revise Your Work | Get Started, Continue Your Draft, and Finish! Week 1Structure Your Writing: Develop a Project Management Work PlanPresenter: Christine Tulley, Professor of English and Founder and Director of the Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Writing, The University of Findlay
Effectively Managing Multiple Projects: Tending your Garden of IdeasPresenter: Dave Harris, Ph.D., Academic Writing Coach and Editor
Week 2Get in the Zone: Organization, Clarity, and FlowPresenter: Margarita Huerta, Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education in the College of Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Need a moment to stretch, breathe, and increase your writing and personal organization, clarity, and flow? This class taps into practical and time-tested advice and resources to help you get “in the zone” so you and your writing can flourish. ![]() Body Building: Structuring Your Article SectionsPresenter: Micki M. Caskey, Professor Emerita, Portland State University
Week 3Methods to the Madness: Creating and Writing Pedagogy
Presenter: Ann Greenberger, Greenline Editorial Services
Week 4Getting Unstuck: How to Restart When Your Writing StallsPresenter: Erin McTigue, Professor, Texas A&M University and Founder of The Positive Academic
Performance Boost: Power Up Your Writing ProductivityPresenter: Dannelle D. Stevens is a Professor Emerita, Faculty in Residence for academic writing, Facilitator, Jumpstart Academic Writing Program, Portland State University
Week 5Maximize Your Results: Getting Your Journal Article AcceptedPresenter: Mary Beth Averill, academic writing coach, editor, and author of How to Become an Academic Coach
Trim and Tone: Strategies for Revising and EditingPresenter: Patricia Goodson, Presidential Professor of Health Education, Texas A&M University
Week 6Marketing Muscle: Building an Author BrandPresenter: Christina J. Inge, Instructor, Digital Marketing & Data, Harvard University Division of Continuing Education, Founder and CEO, Thoughtlight
Immediate ReleaseEye on the Prize: Create Goals That Move Your ForwardPresenter: Susan Robison, Psychologist, Faculty Development Consultant, Professor Destressor Learn how to create a Workout Plan with effective writing goals that will keep you moving forward. This class will also introduce a 5-minute writing warm-up that you can use each time you sit down to write, as well as share how to create "cool-downs" that will set the bar for your next writing session. It will emphasize what Workout exercises differentiates those who accomplish their goals and those who get stuck. Susan Robison is a former professor of psychology and department chair at the Notre Dame of Maryland University. She provides faculty development and productivity coaching at higher education conferences and on college campuses. Her mission is to help faculty increase their productivity and work-life balance. Her book, The Peak Performing Professor: A Practical Guide to Productivity and Happiness was published by Wiley in October of 2013. While she didn’t enjoy writing it, she is enjoying having written it. Her most current writing project was serving as a co-editor on a special topics issue on Coaching Skills for Academic Leaders published by the Journal of Excellence in College Teaching in which she only had to write a little and mostly enjoyed helping other people write. Be a Team Player: Write For Your AudiencePresenter: Michael Greer, Educator, Editor, Author Learn how to revise your work to meet the needs of different audiences. This class will focus on ways to identify who your audience is and what they expect from your results. Learn which muscles to strengthen for a winning performance. Michael Greer is an educator, editor, and author who has been working in higher education for over 20 years. He worked as a development editor at Pearson for 15 years before starting his own company, Development by Design, and has recently published his first textbook specifically for smartphones in collaboration with Gadget Software (using their virtual publication vPub™ technology). Proper Technique: Organize, Document and Present Your ResearchPresenter: Eric Schmieder, Computer Technology Author Learn techniques for organizing, documenting, and presenting your research that will make the process of writing easier. This class will focus on easy-to-use strategies and techniques that result in greater performance. Develop core strength in areas that will support the rest of the writing process.
Lose the Academese: Be Smart Without Trying to Sound SmartPresenter: John Bond, Publishing Consultant, Riverwinds Consulting
John Bond is a publishing consultant at Riverwinds Consulting and the host of the YouTube channel “Publishing Defined.” He has been in scholarly publishing for 30 years. In his career, he has directed the publishing of over 500 book titles and 20,000 journal articles. Hone Your Skills: Proof and Revise Your Work
Presenter: Barbara Price, Senior Development Editor, Higher Ed Science Textbooks and Courseware Learn strategies for proofing and revising your work throughout the writing process. This class will focus on proofing and revision processes that can be applied as early as your first draft. Tone and shape those early efforts into a strong finished product. Barbara Price is presently a senior development editor for the largest publisher of higher ed science textbooks and courseware in North America. She helps both experienced and novice authors achieve their writing goals, whether these goals are preparing the first draft manuscript for a new textbook, revising an existing textbook, creating effective scripts and storyboards for video, or taking the initial step of preparing a book proposal. In addition to editing, Barbara has also scripted science films for Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, been a writer for Saunders College Publishing/Harcourt, and is the author, editor, and content developer of science curricular materials for school markets. Get Started, Continue Your Draft, and Finish!
Presenter: Noelle Sterne, Dissertation Coach, Editor, Writing Consultant, Author, and Writing and Meditation Workshop Presenter