TAA Online Community Rules
- All discussions and shared links must clearly relate to the textbook, academic, or scholarly journal field.
- Be professional, polite, and respectful of other members and their questions/responses.
- Members can post relevant webinars, upcoming events, and workshops so long as it is not spam. Spam includes:
- Posting the same webinar, event, or workshop repeatedly.
- Posting comments in one’s own discussion for the sole purpose of making it go to the top of the discussion board.
- Sending multiple unsolicited messages to group members. Validated complaints will result in removal or blocking of said spammer.
Postings that do not follow these rules may be removed without notifying the member responsible for the post. Failure to follow these rules of use may lead to member removal and/or blocking.
Please be respectful of these rules, but do not be afraid to voice your own opinion or share something that others might be interested in. We are all here to learn, grow, and network.
Member Directory
TAA maintains a membership directory to facilitate member interaction. Permission to access and use the information contained in the Member Directory is restricted to Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) members. Members may not provide their login information to anyone else, authorize others to use information obtained from the Member Directory, or assign or transfer any Member Directory information to any individual or organization.
It is the policy of TAA that all information contained in the TAA Member Directory and Member Community is entrusted to TAA members for their noncommercial personal use or TAA business only. TAA expressly prohibits the use of this information for any other purpose, including commercial, political, or promotional (marketing and sales).
Violation of this policy may subject the TAA member to sanctions up to and including permanent revocation of TAA membership.
If you would like to opt-out of the Member Directory, you can do so by updating your profile.
Please notify TAA if you become aware of violations of this policy by sending an email to [email protected]
If you are a TAA Industry Professional Member and would like to learn of ways you can reach out to fellow members in a way that does not violate these rules, please contact Kim Pawlak at [email protected]