TAA Committee Membership

as of July 1, 2024

Standing Committees

Executive Committee

Membership determined by Bylaws to include officers (President as chair), Immediate Past President, and one Council Representative

Paul Krieger, Chair
Kevin Patton
Michael Sullivan
Brenda Ulrich
Laura Frost
Kim Pawlak, Staff Liaison

Finance Committee

Membership determined by Bylaws to include Treasurer (as chair), President, and Executive Director, plus Presidential appointees

Michael Sullivan, Chair
Paul Krieger
Dione Taylor
Kim Pawlak, Staff Liaison

Governance Committee

Membership determined by Bylaws to include VP as chair, Immediate Past President, and a Council Rep

Dione Taylor, Chair
Paul Krieger
Kevin Patton
Brenda Ulrich
Kim Pawlak, Staff Liaison

Personnel Committee

Membership appointed by President, per Bylaws

Jamie Pope, Chair
Paul Krieger
Dione Taylor
Laura Jacobi (starting 7-1-25)
Kim Pawlak. Staff Liaison

Conference Committee

Any TAA member is eligible to serve.

Dione Taylor, Chair
Julie Combs
Donna Battista
Stacie DeFreitas
Jamie Pope
Kiley Thornton, co-chair

Awards Committee

Any TAA member is eligible to serve.

Kevin Patton, Chair
Laura Frost
Paul Krieger
June Jamrich Parsons
Kim Pawlak, Staff Liaison
Kiley Thornton, Staff Liaison

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee

Any TAA member is eligible to serve.

Laura Frost, Chair
Steve Barkan
Stacie DeFreitas
Nicole Dillard
Shawn Nordell
Brian Shmaefsky
Dione Taylor
Kiley Thornton, Staff Liaison
Sierra Pawlak, Staff Liaison

Ad-Hoc Committees:

Grants Committee

Any TAA member is eligible to serve.

OPEN, Chair
Paul Krieger
Rick Mullins
Laura Jacobi

Publishing Practices Committee

Any TAA member is eligible to serve.

Rick Mullins, Chair
Donna Battista
Jamie Pope
Brenda Ulrich
Kim Pawlak, Staff Liaison

AI Committee

Any TAA member is eligible to serve.

Brenda Ulrich, Chair
Bertha Amisi 
John Hodges
Vernetta K. Mosley, PhD
Jocelyn Nelson
Barbara Price
Margaret Reece
Linda Tucker
Kim Pawlak, Staff Liaison