eBook Download Can My Textbook Publisher Really Do That?
Common Author Questions and Answers From Industry Insider Sean Wakely and Royalty Auditor Juli Saitz
First-time and novice textbook authors may ask themselves throughout the publishing process - "can my publisher really do that?" And the answer is "yes". And "no". And "it depends". Your answer will be determined by the initial negotiation of contract terms and your willingness to invest time in marketing the work after it's published. This eBook is full of advice on both.
Get answers to questions such as:
- Can the publisher stop publishing my book if I don't agree to reduced royalties because of "rising costs"?
- Can the publisher make all decisions regarding title, order of authors’ names, cover, interior design, supplemental materials, price, marketing program, etc.?
- Can the publisher cross-collect between multiple titles if I publish more than one book for outstanding advances or returned units?
- Can the publisher solely determine the timeline in which a new edition of the work is to be published?
- Can the publisher sell or license the rights to other parties to create derivative versions of my entire work without my consent? (including “affiliate” companies owned by the same company)
